Boys are Wonderful: The Feelings and Imagination of a Sensitive Barefoot Boy: Poetry and Stories for Children


About the Book: Boys are Wonderful: The Feelings and Imagination of a Sensitive Barefoot Boy: Poetry and Stories for Children includes fun poems for boys and girls who are inspired by the imaginative barefoot boy or girl who lives inside us all. Also included are several short stories.

Can I Keep My Dump Truck?

About the story: Richard, an imaginative, shy, and sensitive boy, must make a difficult decision. Does he make the right choice? Based on a true story that took place in Stormville, Upstate New York, USA, circa 1980.

The Bully and the Pond

About the story: Richard, an imaginative, shy, and sensitive boy, tries to avoid a bully who doesn’t want him to catch creatures from the pond near his house. Based on a true story that took place in Stormville, Upstate New York, USA, circa 1979.

Taking a Chance

About the story: Richard, an imaginative, shy, and sensitive boy, takes a risk, knowing that the chances of something bad happening are very slight—and then, unfortunately, something happens. Based on a true story that took place in Tucson, Arizona, USA, circa 1986. 

About the Author: Richard Carlson is an author of children’s and coming-of-age books. He is a highly sensitive person, or HSP. You can learn more about him at

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