oys are Wonderful: The Feelings and Imagination of a Sensitive Barefoot Boy 6: Poetry and Stories for Children

boys are Wonderful 6 8x10

About the book:

Boys are Wonderful: The Feelings and Imagination of a Sensitive Barefoot Boy 6: Poetry and Stories for Children includes fun poems for boys and girls who are inspired by the imaginative barefoot boy or girl who lives inside us all. Also included are several short stories.


About the story: Richard, a shy, imaginative, and sensitive boy and his family grew a behemoth garden in their backyard. What happened the night before they planned to harvest the corn? Based on a true story that took place in Stormville, Upstate New York, USA, circa 1978.

Sixth-Grade Sheriff

About the story: Richard, a shy, sensitive, and imaginative twelve-year-old boy, who is a bit eccentric, is in sixth grade at Cross Middle School. He struggles with math facts and fears being left back. Solving the problem, however, teaches him a hard lesson about letting life pass him by. Based on a true story taking place in Tucson, Arizona, USA, in 1982–1983.

In Trouble, Again

About the story: Richard, a shy, sensitive, and imaginative boy, intentionally broke a piece to a board game and got in trouble. Did Richard learn a lesson about being accountable for his actions? Based on a true story that took place in Tucson, Arizona, USA, circa 1982.

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