Boys are Wonderful: The Feelings and Imagination of a Sensitive Barefoot Boy 2:
Poetry and Stories for Children

boys are wonderful 2 cover

About the book: Boys are Wonderful: The Feelings and Imagination of a Sensitive Barefoot Boy 2: Poetry and Stories for Children includes fun poems for boys and girls who are inspired by the imaginative barefoot boy or girl who lives inside us all. Also included are several short stories.

Three White Rocks

About the story: Richard, a shy, sensitive, and imaginative young boy lived in a big city. What happened when he took someone else’s property without asking? Based on a true story that took place in Brooklyn, New York, USA, circa 1975.

Very Lucky

About the story: Richard, a shy, sensitive, and imaginative boy gets hurt at school. Will Richard be all right? Based on a true story that took place in Tucson, Arizona, USA, circa 1986.


About the story: At school, a bully harasses Richard, a shy, sensitive, and imaginative boy. But Richard doesn’t want to fight him. What happens next? Based on a true story that took place in Tucson, Arizona, USA, circa 1983.

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